Supplies power long enough for equipment to properly shut down when utility power fails. Helps prevent loss of data and minimizes the component stress caused by a hard shutdown.
Activates emergency battery capacity.
A power failure in which line voltage drops to zero.
The AVR function of a UPS which increases voltage when the utility power approaches the low voltage threshold.
A drop in voltage for an extended period of time.
The AVR function of a UPS which reduces voltage when the utility power approaches the high voltage threshold.
Full automatic voltage regulation in a UPS stabilizes low voltage (boost) and high voltage (buck) to maintain nominal 120V power without resorting to battery power when minor power fluctuations occur.
The current battery charge, expressed as a percentage of a full charge.
Means that a product meets the standards set by Cisco, a global leader in IT.
Cables that are made of an inner conductor surrounded by an insulator and a shield. Generally used for TV antennas, satellite dishes, cable modems, and certain computer networking applications.
Restores emergency power to the load after the installation of a new battery.
Alarm Telemetry to an optical network terminal or a connected device. Contact closure alarm with NC normal state.