CyberPower has released an update to our Intelligent LCD PDUs Firmware. Please read on for feature improvement details and a quick link to download the v1.3.3 update.
Intelligent LCD PDU Firmware Version 1.3.3 (US Release Date: 11/15/2024)
New Features
- Adds support for AutoPing Recovery Function
- Provides outlet control for ATS series and guest PDUs, in a daisy chained configuration, in PowerPanel Business (PPB)
- Support for future PDUs models
- Provides page number functionality for event logs and status records
- Updated with Accessory/Environment sensor related commands in Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Updated to include SNMP GetBulk request
Features Improvements
- Updated to have the outlet LED turn yellow (it was originally white) when the outlet low load threshold is reached
- Expanding the maximum character length of Syslog Server IP to 39 characters on the [Log->Syslog] webpage
- Expanding the maximum character length of the Primary/Secondary NTP Server IP to 39 characters on the [System->General->Time] webpage
- Adds support for the NTP and Syslog server IPv6 setting on Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Modifying the “Date and Time” setting interface to a calendar-style format and extending the setting range from 2015 to 2099
- Updating the SMS Clickatell Service Function to be compatible with the latest API method of Clickatell Server
- Expanded the field size of [System->General->Identification] to display more characters
- Updated to disable the Authentication Mode selector in [System->Security->LDAP Configuration] when the LDAP Server Type is set to Active Directory
- Expanded the range for timing out in [System->Security->Session Control] to allow up to 20 minutes
- Made an update that will force users to change the username/password when logging in using the default credentials via the console interface
- Updated the copyright information
- Added support for the ssh-ed25519 hostkey algorithm, from SSH Server, to improve security
- Expanded the maximum input length of [System->Notification->SMS Service->Service Provider->Using HTTP GET] to 199 characters
- Expanded the maximum input length of [System->Identification->Location] to 127 characters
- Expanded the maximum length for the accepted certificate file names to 127 characters
- Updated to disable the viewer account by default
- The CBC cipher was removed, and support was added for the CTR Cipher in the SSH server
- Updated to display an error message instead of adding a year if a past date is added to the schedule
- Fixes an issue with the Event log not being recorded after a source configuration change
- Resolved an issue with the LDAP AD Domain failing to set on the Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Solves an issue where the [PDU->EnergyWise] webpage mistakenly disappears when an ATS is connected in a daisy chain
- Fixes an issue with a decimal point not being allowed to be used in host name
- Removes an issue with the Sub FW version 0.0.0 being mistakenly displayed on the LCD for the Monitored series PDUs
- Resolves an issue where [System->Security->Local Configuration->Outlet User] webpage malfunctions if the outlet name contains backslash
- Solves an issue where the SNMPv3 Allow Access setting fails to restore when using the Restore Configuration function
- Fixes an issue where loading event logs on Command Line Interface (CLI) would lead to unexpected reboot if the outlet user name contains the character ‘$’
- Resolves an issue where ATS PDU related events are improperly displayed on the [System->Notification->Event Action] webpage
- Fixes an issue with the LCD intermittently turning white after the device starts up
- Solves an issue with incorrect content being displayed for a guest PDU, in a daisy chain configuration, on the [PDU->Outlet Action->AutoPing] webpage
- Fixes an issue with only the last outlet responding, when controlling multiple outlets on guest PDUs, in a daisy chain configuration, via SNMP service
- Corrects an issue where special characters, that should not have been allowed, were allowed when setting up the outlet name/outlet user/schedule name/AutoPing/engergywise configuration via Web/SNMP/CLI
- Resolves an issue where the RADIUS function was not able to work when the third or fourth digits of the IP address are set to “0”
- Updates a problem where HTTPS was unable to establish a connection when using a self-signed certificate with an RSA 2048-bit key
- Fixes an issue where the Total Load on the [Summary->ATS Status] webpage was displayed incorrectly
- Resolves an intermittent issue where the system may unexpectedly reboot when loading a large number of status records
- Corrects an intermittent issue where an error message would not be displayed when a configuration fails on the [System->Network Service->Web service] webpage
- Fixes an issue where the system time was incorrect for certain time zones while using the NTP server
- Solves an issue where the SSH server did not respond when using Putty version 0.76 or later
- Fixes an issue where the icon in the web page title was missing when HTTP/HTTPS port is not set as the default
- Resolves an intermittent problem with the SNMP OID not being able to get information from the eighth connected accessory
- Corrects an intermittent issue where the system may reboot when removing the eighth connected accessory
- Fixed a problem with the hostkey exported from the PDU/ATS PDU being invalid
- Updates some of the display content on Command Line Interface (CLI) that was incorrect
- Resolves an issue the incorrect value coming from the SNMP OID as follows:
- atsStatusPhaseSyncStatus
- ePDU2SourceStatusSourceAVoltage
- ePDU2SourceStatusSourceBVoltage
Questions? Contact Tech Support Monday through Friday from 7am– 6pm cst.
Download link and release notes are available here: